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HTML2POP3 2.50f - 3 Gennaio 2015 - 12:40

Ciao Matteo, e grazie per il tuo aiuto. A me capita da un mese che non scarico posta da LIBERO. Ho aggiornato col tuo ultimo software ma non riesco ugualmente. Ti invio il log: 03/01/2015 12:06:56 [1399504] Non riesco a leggere il file C:\Users\Paso\Desktop\config.cfg, lanciare html2pop3 dalla directory di config.cfg 03/01/2015 12:06:56 [1489968] +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 03/01/2015 12:06:56 [1498176] | POP3/SMTP/NNTP simulation server Version 2.50f | 03/01/2015 12:06:56 [1588664] | Matteo Baccan Opensource Software | 03/01/2015 12:06:56 [1588664] +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 03/01/2015 12:06:56 [1588664] Java Runtime: Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment 03/01/2015 12:06:56 [1679184] Java Version: 24.71-b01 03/01/2015 12:06:56 [1679184] Config path: C:\Users\Paso\Desktop\config.cfg 03/01/2015 12:06:56 [1679184] Server POP3 ready at localhost:110 max clients: 10 03/01/2015 12:06:56 [1679184] Server SMTP ready at localhost:25 max clients: 10 03/01/2015 12:06:56 [1769704] Server NNTP ready at localhost:119 max clients: 10 03/01/2015 12:06:56 [1769704] Message download queue: LIFO 03/01/2015 12:06:56 [1769704] Le cancellazioni SONO abilitate, il client di posta potra' cancellare la posta 03/01/2015 12:06:56 [1860328] Le cancellazioni sono fatte DOPO la sconnessione del client di posta 03/01/2015 12:06:56 [1860328] Errori gravi visualizzati con messagebox GUI e file di log 03/01/2015 12:06:56 [2041328] Modalita' di debug disattiva 03/01/2015 12:06:56 [2229520] Sponsor: true 03/01/2015 12:06:56 [2229520] Attach email originale nella posta emulata: false 03/01/2015 12:06:56 [2229520] Numero di download massimi per sessione: -1 03/01/2015 12:06:56 [2229520] Dimensione del file di log: 1000000 03/01/2015 12:06:56 [2229520] Tunneling server 03/01/2015 12:06:56 [2229520] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 03/01/2015 12:06:56 [2229520] Plugin specific setting 03/01/2015 12:06:56 [2229520] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 03/01/2015 12:06:56 [2320104] tiscali: modalita' di cancellazione CANCELLA 03/01/2015 12:06:56 [2411584] tin: modalita' di cancellazione CANCELLA 03/01/2015 12:06:56 [2411584] libero: flag di lettura DISATTIVO 03/01/2015 12:06:56 [2411584] outlook 2002: timeout ATTIVO 03/01/2015 12:06:56 [2592600] supporto per rfc2047: ATTIVO 03/01/2015 12:06:56 [2683088] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 03/01/2015 12:06:56 [2776920] Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment 03/01/2015 12:06:56 [2776920] sun.boot.library.path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\bin 03/01/2015 12:06:56 [2776920] java.vm.version: 24.71-b01 03/01/2015 12:06:56 [2776920] java.vm.vendor: Oracle Corporation 03/01/2015 12:06:56 [2776920] java.vendor.url: 03/01/2015 12:06:56 [2776920] path.separator: ; 03/01/2015 12:06:56 [2776920] Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM 03/01/2015 12:06:56 [2776920] file.encoding.pkg: 03/01/2015 12:06:56 [2776920] IT 03/01/2015 12:06:56 [2776920] user.script: 03/01/2015 12:06:56 [2776920] SUN_STANDARD 03/01/2015 12:06:56 [2776920] sun.os.patch.level: Service Pack 1 03/01/2015 12:06:56 [2776920] Java Virtual Machine Specification 03/01/2015 12:06:56 [2776920] user.dir: C:\Users\Paso\Desktop 03/01/2015 12:06:56 [2776920] java.runtime.version: 1.7.0_71-b14 03/01/2015 12:06:56 [2776920] java.awt.graphicsenv: sun.awt.Win32GraphicsEnvironment 03/01/2015 12:06:56 [2776920] java.endorsed.dirs: C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\lib\endorsed 03/01/2015 12:06:56 [2776920] os.arch: x86 03/01/2015 12:06:56 [2776920] C:\Users\Paso\AppData\Local\Temp\ 03/01/2015 12:06:56 [2867440] line.separator: \r\n 03/01/2015 12:06:56 [2867440] java.vm.specifi

HTML2POP3 2.50f - 25 Dicembre 2014 - 12:44
Ti mando quello che c'è scritto nel file log e... RingraziandoTi sempre Ti Auguro Buon Natale! _______________________________ 25/12/2014 12:41:19 [3260840] +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 25/12/2014 12:41:19 [3260840] | POP3/SMTP/NNTP simulation server Version 2.50f | 25/12/2014 12:41:19 [3351344] | Matteo Baccan Opensource Software | 25/12/2014 12:41:19 [3351344] +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 25/12/2014 12:41:19 [3351344] Java Runtime: Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment 25/12/2014 12:41:19 [3351344] Java Version: 25.25-b02 25/12/2014 12:41:19 [3351344] Config path: X:\winPenPack\Bin\html2pop3250f\config.cfg 25/12/2014 12:41:19 [3351344] Server POP3 ready at max clients: 10 25/12/2014 12:41:19 [3351344] Server SMTP ready at max clients: 10 25/12/2014 12:41:19 [3351344] Server NNTP ready at max clients: 10 25/12/2014 12:41:19 [3351344] Message download queue: LIFO 25/12/2014 12:41:19 [3351344] Le cancellazioni SONO abilitate, il client di posta potra' cancellare la posta 25/12/2014 12:41:19 [3351344] Le cancellazioni sono fatte DOPO la sconnessione del client di posta 25/12/2014 12:41:19 [3351344] Errori gravi visualizzati con messagebox GUI e file di log 25/12/2014 12:41:19 [3351344] Modalita' di debug disattiva 25/12/2014 12:41:19 [3351344] Sponsor: true 25/12/2014 12:41:19 [3351344] Attach email originale nella posta emulata: true 25/12/2014 12:41:19 [3351344] Numero di download massimi per sessione: -1 25/12/2014 12:41:19 [3351344] Dimensione del file di log: 2000000 25/12/2014 12:41:19 [3351344] Tunneling server 25/12/2014 12:41:19 [3351344] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 25/12/2014 12:41:19 [3441808] Plugin specific setting 25/12/2014 12:41:19 [3441808] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 25/12/2014 12:41:19 [3441808] tiscali: modalita' di cancellazione CANCELLA 25/12/2014 12:41:19 [3441808] tin: modalita' di cancellazione CANCELLA 25/12/2014 12:41:19 [3441808] libero: flag di lettura DISATTIVO 25/12/2014 12:41:19 [3441808] outlook 2002: timeout ATTIVO 25/12/2014 12:41:19 [3441808] supporto per rfc2047: ATTIVO 25/12/2014 12:41:19 [3441808] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 25/12/2014 12:41:19 [3441808] Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment 25/12/2014 12:41:19 [3441808] sun.boot.library.path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre1.8.0_25\bin 25/12/2014 12:41:19 [3441808] java.vm.version: 25.25-b02 25/12/2014 12:41:19 [3441808] java.vm.vendor: Oracle Corporation 25/12/2014 12:41:19 [3441808] java.vendor.url: 25/12/2014 12:41:19 [3441808] proxyUser: 25/12/2014 12:41:19 [3441808] path.separator: ; 25/12/2014 12:41:19 [3441808] Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM 25/12/2014 12:41:19 [3441808] file.encoding.pkg: 25/12/2014 12:41:19 [3532296] IT 25/12/2014 12:41:19 [3532296] user.script: 25/12/2014 12:41:19 [3532296] SUN_STANDARD 25/12/2014 12:41:19 [3532296] sun.os.patch.level: Service Pack 1 25/12/2014 12:41:19 [3532296] Java Virtual Machine Specification 25/12/2014 12:41:19 [3532296] user.dir: X:\winPenPack\Bin\html2pop3250f 25/12/2014 12:41:19 [3532296] java.runtime.version: 1.8.0_25-b18 25/12/2014 12:41:19 [3532296] java.awt.graphicsenv: sun.awt.Win32GraphicsEnvironment 25/12/2014 12:41:19 [3532296] java.endorsed.dirs: C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre1.8.0_25\lib\endorsed 25/12/2014 12:41:19 [3532296] os.arch: x86 25/12/2014 12:41:19 [3532296] http.proxySet: false 25/12/2014 12:41:19 [3532296] C:\Users\Michele\AppData\Local\Temp\ 25/12/2014 12:41:19 [3532296] line.separator: \r\n 25/12/2014 12:41:19 [3532296] java.vm.specification.vendor: Oracle Corporation 25/12/2014 12:41:19 [3532296] https

HTML2POP3 2.50b - 5 Novembre 2014 - 13:16

html2pop3 funziona
Ciao come si vede dal log: html2pop3 chiede il captcha, poi lo mantiene in una sua sessione interna e scarica regolarmente 04/11/2014 08:56:21 [9915968] Trovati 5297 messaggi il problema e' che, per prendere 5297 messaggi ci mette un po' di tempo e il client di posta chiude la connessione, perche' pensa che il server non stia lavorando 04/11/2014 08:56:21 [9915968] POP3 server: chiusura connessione: Software caused connection abort: socket write error ti consiglierei di 1) aumentare il timeout sul client 2) oppure : spostare della posta da inbox a un'altra cartella ciao matteo

HTML2POP3 2.50b - 5 Novembre 2014 - 13:03

Libero da estero
(parte4) 04/11/2014 08:55:57 [11702488] Libero: trovate (100) email 04/11/2014 08:55:59 [12987168] Libero: trovate (100) email 04/11/2014 08:56:00 [13967400] POP3 server: USER 04/11/2014 08:56:00 [13967400] POP3 server: PASS ******** CRC32:2792984697 04/11/2014 08:56:00 [13967400] POP3 server: usato 04/11/2014 08:56:01 [14929264] Libero: utilizzo sessione in cache 04/11/2014 08:56:01 [14929264] Libero: list 04/11/2014 08:56:04 [9106448] Libero: trovate (100) email 04/11/2014 08:56:07 [11045736] Libero: trovate (100) email 04/11/2014 08:56:09 [13998256] Libero: trovate (100) email 04/11/2014 08:56:09 [8705304] Libero: trovate (100) email 04/11/2014 08:56:12 [12316112] Libero: trovate (100) email 04/11/2014 08:56:15 [12968488] Libero: trovate (100) email 04/11/2014 08:56:17 [13736000] Libero: trovate (100) email 04/11/2014 08:56:19 [14453712] Libero: trovate (100) email 04/11/2014 08:56:21 [9915968] Libero: trovate (98) email 04/11/2014 08:56:21 [9915968] Trovati 5297 messaggi 04/11/2014 08:56:21 [9915968] POP3 server: chiusura connessione: Software caused connection abort: socket write error

HTML2POP3 2.50b - 5 Novembre 2014 - 13:03

Libero da estero
(parte3) 04/11/2014 08:50:34 [5170664] Libero: entro nella webmail 04/11/2014 08:50:34 [5418304] Libero: list 04/11/2014 08:50:39 [6509904] Libero: trovate (100) email 04/11/2014 08:50:42 [7247592] Libero: trovate (100) email 04/11/2014 08:50:49 [7948168] Libero: trovate (100) email 04/11/2014 08:50:52 [8624704] Libero: trovate (100) email 04/11/2014 08:50:57 [9312552] Libero: trovate (100) email 04/11/2014 08:51:01 [10011192] Libero: trovate (100) email 04/11/2014 08:51:06 [10703816] Libero: trovate (100) email 04/11/2014 08:51:23 [11523848] Libero: trovate (100) email 04/11/2014 08:51:30 [12110176] Libero: trovate (100) email 04/11/2014 08:51:36 [12797336] Libero: trovate (100) email 04/11/2014 08:51:40 [13483896] Libero: trovate (100) email 04/11/2014 08:51:51 [14174176] Libero: trovate (100) email 04/11/2014 08:51:54 [6638040] Libero: trovate (100) email 04/11/2014 08:51:58 [8803920] Libero: trovate (100) email 04/11/2014 08:52:03 [9497968] Libero: trovate (100) email 04/11/2014 08:52:07 [10175248] Libero: trovate (100) email 04/11/2014 08:53:53 [10298280] POP3 server: CAPA 04/11/2014 08:53:53 [10298280] POP3 server: USER 04/11/2014 08:53:53 [10298280] POP3 server: PASS ******** CRC32:2792984697 04/11/2014 08:53:53 [10298280] POP3 server: usato 04/11/2014 08:53:54 [10406424] Libero: utilizzo sessione in cache 04/11/2014 08:53:54 [10406424] Libero: list 04/11/2014 08:53:58 [11526672] Libero: trovate (100) email 04/11/2014 08:54:01 [12723320] Libero: trovate (100) email 04/11/2014 08:54:05 [7870216] Libero: trovate (100) email 04/11/2014 08:54:09 [10420800] Libero: trovate (100) email 04/11/2014 08:54:14 [11736648] Libero: trovate (100) email 04/11/2014 08:54:16 [13011304] Libero: trovate (100) email 04/11/2014 08:54:19 [8003792] Libero: trovate (100) email 04/11/2014 08:54:21 [10500184] Libero: trovate (100) email 04/11/2014 08:54:24 [11781536] Libero: trovate (100) email 04/11/2014 08:54:26 [13063800] Libero: trovate (100) email 04/11/2014 08:54:29 [7424312] Libero: trovate (100) email 04/11/2014 08:54:31 [10005928] Libero: trovate (100) email 04/11/2014 08:54:33 [11266960] Libero: trovate (100) email 04/11/2014 08:54:36 [12575368] Libero: trovate (100) email 04/11/2014 08:54:38 [7484256] Libero: trovate (100) email 04/11/2014 08:54:41 [10017064] Libero: trovate (100) email 04/11/2014 08:54:43 [11300128] Libero: trovate (100) email 04/11/2014 08:54:45 [12578984] Libero: trovate (100) email 04/11/2014 08:54:48 [7538040] Libero: trovate (100) email 04/11/2014 08:54:50 [10064896] Libero: trovate (100) email 04/11/2014 08:54:53 [11354752] Libero: trovate (100) email 04/11/2014 08:54:55 [12639280] Libero: trovate (100) email 04/11/2014 08:54:58 [7595392] Libero: trovate (100) email 04/11/2014 08:55:01 [10117848] Libero: trovate (100) email 04/11/2014 08:55:03 [11453504] Libero: trovate (100) email 04/11/2014 08:55:06 [12731040] Libero: trovate (100) email 04/11/2014 08:55:09 [7713304] Libero: trovate (100) email 04/11/2014 08:55:12 [10202672] Libero: trovate (100) email 04/11/2014 08:55:14 [11487080] Libero: trovate (100) email 04/11/2014 08:55:17 [12763424] Libero: trovate (100) email 04/11/2014 08:55:19 [7721936] Libero: trovate (100) email 04/11/2014 08:55:21 [10251184] Libero: trovate (100) email 04/11/2014 08:55:24 [11533056] Libero: trovate (100) email 04/11/2014 08:55:26 [12815512] Libero: trovate (100) email 04/11/2014 08:55:29 [7769592] Libero: trovate (100) email 04/11/2014 08:55:32 [10297672] Libero: trovate (100) email 04/11/2014 08:55:35 [11576488] Libero: trovate (100) email 04/11/2014 08:55:38 [12861576] Libero: trovate (100) email 04/11/2014 08:55:41 [7838760] Libero: trovate (100) email 04/11/2014 08:55:45 [10372160] Libero: trovate (99) email 04/11/2014 08:55:47 [11654704] Libero: trovate (100) email 04/11/2014 08:55:50 [12941264] Libero: trovate (100) email 04/11/2014 08:55:52 [7881728] Libero: trovate (100) email 04/11/2014 08:55:54 [10406448] Libero: trovate (100) email 04/11/2014 08:55:54 [10507824] POP3

HTML2POP3 2.50b - 5 Novembre 2014 - 13:02

Libero da estero
(parte 2) 04/11/2014 08:50:07 [2315224] sun.jnu.encoding: Cp1252 04/11/2014 08:50:07 [2315224] http.proxyPort: 04/11/2014 08:50:07 [2315224] java.library.path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\bin;C:\Windows\Sun\Java\bin;C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;%COSMOSM%;C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\PhysX\Common;C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2012a\bin;C:\Program Files\IVI Foundation\VISA\Win64\Bin\;C:\Program Files (x86)\IVI Foundation\VISA\WinNT\Bin\;C:\Program Files (x86)\IVI Foundation\VISA\WinNT\Bin;C:\Program Files (x86)\IVI Foundation\IVI\bin;C:\Program Files\IVI Foundation\IVI\bin;%PT1000_ROOT%\Binaries\GenICam\bin\Win32_i86;C:\Program Files (x86)\IDM Computer Solutions\UltraEdit\;C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\bin\;. 04/11/2014 08:50:07 [2315224] Java Platform API Specification 04/11/2014 08:50:07 [2315224] java.class.version: 51.0 04/11/2014 08:50:07 [2315224] true 04/11/2014 08:50:07 [2315224] HotSpot Client Compiler 04/11/2014 08:50:07 [2315224] os.version: 6.1 04/11/2014 08:50:07 [2315224] user.home: C:\Users\xxxxxxx 04/11/2014 08:50:07 [2315224] user.timezone: Europe/Berlin 04/11/2014 08:50:07 [2405712] java.awt.printerjob: 04/11/2014 08:50:07 [2405712] file.encoding: Cp1252 04/11/2014 08:50:07 [2405712] java.specification.version: 1.7 04/11/2014 08:50:07 [2405712] java.class.path: html2pop3.jar;./lib/httpclient.jar;./lib/httpmail.jar;./lib/xercesImpl.jar;./lib/xmlParserAPIs.jar 04/11/2014 08:50:07 [2405712] xxxxxxx 04/11/2014 08:50:07 [2405712] java.vm.specification.version: 1.7 04/11/2014 08:50:07 [2405712] html2pop3 04/11/2014 08:50:07 [2405712] java.home: C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7 04/11/2014 08:50:07 [2405712] 32 04/11/2014 08:50:07 [2405712] user.language: it 04/11/2014 08:50:07 [2405712] java.specification.vendor: Oracle Corporation 04/11/2014 08:50:07 [2405712] awt.toolkit: 04/11/2014 08:50:07 [2405712] mixed mode, sharing 04/11/2014 08:50:07 [2405712] java.version: 1.7.0_65 04/11/2014 08:50:07 [2405712] java.ext.dirs: C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\lib\ext;C:\Windows\Sun\Java\lib\ext 04/11/2014 08:50:07 [2405712] http.proxyHost: 04/11/2014 08:50:07 [2405712] sun.boot.class.path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\lib\resources.jar;C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\lib\rt.jar;C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\lib\sunrsasign.jar;C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\lib\jsse.jar;C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\lib\jce.jar;C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\lib\charsets.jar;C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\lib\jfr.jar;C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\classes 04/11/2014 08:50:07 [2405712] java.vendor: Oracle Corporation 04/11/2014 08:50:07 [2405712] file.separator: \ 04/11/2014 08:50:07 [2496176] java.vendor.url.bug: 04/11/2014 08:50:07 [2496176] UnicodeLittle 04/11/2014 08:50:07 [2496176] sun.cpu.endian: little 04/11/2014 08:50:07 [2496176] https.proxyPort: 04/11/2014 08:50:07 [2496176] sun.desktop: windows 04/11/2014 08:50:07 [2496176] proxyPassword: 04/11/2014 08:50:07 [2496176] sun.cpu.isalist: pentium_pro+mmx pentium_pro pentium+mmx pentium i486 i386 i86 04/11/2014 08:50:07 [2496176] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 04/11/2014 08:50:15 [3130504] POP3 server: AUTH 04/11/2014 08:50:15 [3130504] POP3 server: CAPA 04/11/2014 08:50:15 [3130504] POP3 server: USER 04/11/2014 08:50:15 [3130504] POP3 server: PASS ******** CRC32:2792984697 04/11/2014 08:50:15 [3130504] POP3 server: usato 04/11/2014 08:50:15 [3130504] Libero: primo login per prendere i cookie 04/11/2014 08:50:17 [2351160] Libero: login reale 04/11/2014 08:50:17 [2868344] Libero: getCaptcha ini 04/11/2014 08:50:33 [4724216] Libero: getCaptcha end 04/11/2014 08:50:33 [4724216]

HTML2POP3 2.50b - 5 Novembre 2014 - 13:00

Libero da estero
Eccolo (parte1) 04/11/2014 08:50:07 [2043880] +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 04/11/2014 08:50:07 [2043880] | POP3/SMTP/NNTP simulation server Version 2.50b | 04/11/2014 08:50:07 [2043880] | Matteo Baccan Opensource Software | 04/11/2014 08:50:07 [2043880] +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 04/11/2014 08:50:07 [2043880] Java Runtime: Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment 04/11/2014 08:50:07 [2043880] Java Version: 24.65-b04 04/11/2014 08:50:07 [2134320] Config path: C:\Program Files (x86)\html2pop3\config.cfg 04/11/2014 08:50:07 [2134320] Server POP3 ready at max clients: 10 04/11/2014 08:50:07 [2134320] Server SMTP ready at max clients: 10 04/11/2014 08:50:07 [2134320] Server NNTP ready at max clients: 10 04/11/2014 08:50:07 [2134320] Message download queue: LIFO 04/11/2014 08:50:07 [2134320] Le cancellazioni SONO abilitate, il client di posta potra' cancellare la posta 04/11/2014 08:50:07 [2134320] Le cancellazioni sono fatte DOPO la sconnessione del client di posta 04/11/2014 08:50:07 [2134320] Errori gravi visualizzati con messagebox GUI e file di log 04/11/2014 08:50:07 [2134320] Modalita' di debug disattiva 04/11/2014 08:50:07 [2134320] Sponsor: true 04/11/2014 08:50:07 [2134320] Attach email originale nella posta emulata: true 04/11/2014 08:50:07 [2134320] Numero di download massimi per sessione: -1 04/11/2014 08:50:07 [2134320] Dimensione del file di log: 2000000 04/11/2014 08:50:07 [2134320] Tunneling server 04/11/2014 08:50:07 [2134320] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 04/11/2014 08:50:07 [2134320] Plugin specific setting 04/11/2014 08:50:07 [2134320] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 04/11/2014 08:50:07 [2134320] tiscali: modalita' di cancellazione CANCELLA 04/11/2014 08:50:07 [2134320] tin: modalita' di cancellazione CANCELLA 04/11/2014 08:50:07 [2134320] libero: flag di lettura DISATTIVO 04/11/2014 08:50:07 [2134320] outlook 2002: timeout ATTIVO 04/11/2014 08:50:07 [2134320] supporto per rfc2047: ATTIVO 04/11/2014 08:50:07 [2134320] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 04/11/2014 08:50:07 [2224784] Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment 04/11/2014 08:50:07 [2224784] sun.boot.library.path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\bin 04/11/2014 08:50:07 [2224784] java.vm.version: 24.65-b04 04/11/2014 08:50:07 [2224784] java.vm.vendor: Oracle Corporation 04/11/2014 08:50:07 [2224784] java.vendor.url: 04/11/2014 08:50:07 [2224784] proxyUser: 04/11/2014 08:50:07 [2224784] path.separator: ; 04/11/2014 08:50:07 [2224784] Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM 04/11/2014 08:50:07 [2224784] file.encoding.pkg: 04/11/2014 08:50:07 [2224784] IT 04/11/2014 08:50:07 [2224784] user.script: 04/11/2014 08:50:07 [2224784] SUN_STANDARD 04/11/2014 08:50:07 [2224784] sun.os.patch.level: Service Pack 1 04/11/2014 08:50:07 [2224784] Java Virtual Machine Specification 04/11/2014 08:50:07 [2224784] user.dir: C:\Program Files (x86)\html2pop3 04/11/2014 08:50:07 [2224784] java.runtime.version: 1.7.0_65-b20 04/11/2014 08:50:07 [2224784] java.awt.graphicsenv: sun.awt.Win32GraphicsEnvironment 04/11/2014 08:50:07 [2224784] java.endorsed.dirs: C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\lib\endorsed 04/11/2014 08:50:07 [2224784] os.arch: x86 04/11/2014 08:50:07 [2224784] http.proxySet: false 04/11/2014 08:50:07 [2224784] C:\Users\xxxxxxx\AppData\Local\Temp\ 04/11/2014 08:50:07 [2315224] line.separator: \r\n 04/11/2014 08:50:07 [2315224] java.vm.specification.vendor: Oracle Corporation 04/11/2014 08:50:07 [2315224] https.proxyHost: 04/11/2014 08:50:07 [2315224] user.variant: 04/11/2014 08:50:07 [2315224] Windows 7 04/11/2014 08:5

HTML2POP3 2.50b - 3 Novembre 2014 - 10:26

Proxy wrror
Ciao Matteo, sto utilizzando il tuo sw per una casella di libero. Quando lo usa a casa non ho nessun problema ma in azienda, dovendo configurare il proxy, ottengo il seguente errore che sembra dovuto ad una mancata autenticazione sul proxy. Considera che la user inserita è nel formato Dominio\user. Dal log risulta corretta sia la user che la password. ti allego il log ottenuto su windows 7 64bit 03/11/2014 10:09:53 [7175568] http.proxyHost: 03/11/2014 10:09:53 [7175568] sun.boot.class.path: C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_25\lib\resources.jar;C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_25\lib\rt.jar;C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_25\lib\sunrsasign.jar;C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_25\lib\jsse.jar;C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_25\lib\jce.jar;C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_25\lib\charsets.jar;C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_25\lib\jfr.jar;C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_25\classes 03/11/2014 10:09:53 [7580752] java.vendor: Oracle Corporation 03/11/2014 10:09:53 [7580752] file.separator: \ 03/11/2014 10:09:53 [7580752] java.vendor.url.bug: 03/11/2014 10:09:53 [7580752] UnicodeLittle 03/11/2014 10:09:53 [7580752] sun.cpu.endian: little 03/11/2014 10:09:53 [7802056] https.proxyPort: 8080 03/11/2014 10:09:53 [7802056] sun.desktop: windows 03/11/2014 10:09:53 [7802056] proxyPassword: xxxxxxxxx 03/11/2014 10:09:53 [7802056] sun.cpu.isalist: amd64 03/11/2014 10:09:53 [7802056] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 03/11/2014 10:10:43 [8207464] POP3 server: CAPA 03/11/2014 10:10:43 [8207464] POP3 server: USER 03/11/2014 10:10:43 [8207464] POP3 server: PASS ************* CRC32:1051555110 03/11/2014 10:10:43 [8207464] POP3 server: usato 03/11/2014 10:10:43 [8207464] Libero: primo login per prendere i cookie 03/11/2014 10:10:43 [9011808] Unable to tunnel through proxy. Proxy returns "HTTP/1.1 407 Proxy Authentication Required ( The ISA Server requires authorization to fulfill the request. Access to the Web Proxy filter is denied. )" 03/11/2014 10:10:43 [9011808] at sun.reflect.GeneratedConstructorAccessor3.newInstance(Unknown Source) 03/11/2014 10:10:43 [9011808] at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Source) 03/11/2014 10:10:43 [9011808] at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Unknown Source) 03/11/2014 10:10:43 [9011808] at$ Source) 03/11/2014 10:10:43 [9011808] at$ Source) 03/11/2014 10:10:43 [9086464] at Method) 03/11/2014 10:10:43 [9086464] at Source) 03/11/2014 10:10:43 [9086464] at Source) 03/11/2014 10:10:43 [9086464] at Source) 03/11/2014 10:10:43 [9086464] at Source) 03/11/2014 10:10:43 [9086464] at org.html2pop3.plugin.pluginbase.getPage(Unknown Source) 03/11/2014 10:10:43 [9086464] at org.html2pop3.plugin.pluginbase.getPage(Unknown Source) 03/11/2014 10:10:43 [9566016] at org.html2pop3.plugin.pluginbase.getPage(Unknown Source) 03/11/2014 10:10:43 [9566016] at org.html2pop3.plugin.pop3.pluginlibero.subLogin(Unknown Source) 03/11/2014 10:10:43 [9566016] at org.html2pop3.plugin.pop3.pluginlibero.login(Unknown Source) 03/11/2014 10:10:43 [9566016] at pop3Server$pop3Thread.manage(Unknown Source) 03/11/2014 10:10:43 [9566016] at pop3Server$ Source) 03/11/2014 10:10:43 [9566016] Caused by: Unable to tunnel through proxy. Proxy returns "HTTP/1.1 407 Proxy Authentication Required ( The ISA Server requires authorization to fulfill the request. Access to the Web Proxy filter is denied. )" 03/11/2014 10:10:43 [9

HTML2POP3 2.50b - 25 Ottobre 2014 - 16:16

loc completo
ciaoMatteo, scusami. ecco il log completo (e in allegato e' un txt cui ho cambiato estensione): +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | POP3/SMTP/NNTP simulation server Version 2.50b | | Matteo Baccan Opensource Software | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Java Runtime: Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment Java Version: 24.60-b09 Config path: C:\Program Files\html2pop3\config.cfg Server POP3 ready at max clients: 10 Server SMTP ready at max clients: 10 Server NNTP ready at max clients: 10 Message download queue: LIFO Le cancellazioni SONO abilitate, il client di posta potra' cancellare la posta Le cancellazioni sono fatte DOPO la sconnessione del client di posta Errori gravi visualizzati con messagebox GUI e file di log Modalita' di debug disattiva Sponsor: true Attach email originale nella posta emulata: true Numero di download massimi per sessione: -1 Dimensione del file di log: 2000000 Tunneling server ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Plugin specific setting ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- tiscali: modalita' di cancellazione CANCELLA tin: modalita' di cancellazione CANCELLA libero: flag di lettura DISATTIVO outlook 2002: timeout ATTIVO supporto per rfc2047: ATTIVO ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment sun.boot.library.path: C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin java.vm.version: 24.60-b09 java.vm.vendor: Oracle Corporation java.vendor.url: proxyUser: path.separator: ; Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM file.encoding.pkg: IT user.script: SUN_STANDARD sun.os.patch.level: Service Pack 1 Java Virtual Machine Specification user.dir: C:\Program Files\html2pop3 java.runtime.version: 1.7.0_67-b01 java.awt.graphicsenv: sun.awt.Win32GraphicsEnvironment java.endorsed.dirs: C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\lib\endorsed os.arch: x86 http.proxySet: false C:\Users\Sistema\AppData\Local\Temp\ line.separator: \r\n java.vm.specification.vendor: Oracle Corporation https.proxyHost: user.variant: Windows 7 sun.jnu.encoding: Cp1252 http.proxyPort: java.library.path: C:\Windows\System32;C:\Windows\Sun\Java\bin;C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;%SystemRoot%\system32;%SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem;%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Program Files\Common Files\Autodesk Shared\;C:\Program Files\Common Files\HP\Digital Imaging\bin;C:\Program Files\HP\Digital Imaging\bin\;C:\Program Files\HP\Digital Imaging\bin\Qt\Qt 4.3.3;;. sun.awt.enableExtraMouseButtons: true Java Platform API Specification java.class.version: 51.0 true HotSpot Client Compiler os.version: 6.1 user.home: C:\Users\Sistema user.timezone: Europe/Berlin java.awt.printerjob: file.encoding: Cp1252 java.specification.version: 1.7 java.class.path: html2pop3.jar;./lib/httpclient.jar;./lib/httpmail.jar;./lib/xercesImpl.jar;./lib/xmlParserAPIs.jar Sistema java.vm.specification.version: 1.7 htmlgui java.home: C:\Program Files\Java\jre7 32 user.language: it java.specification.vendor: Oracle Corporation awt.toolkit: mixed mode java.version: 1.7.0_67 java.ext.dirs: C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\lib\ext;C:\Windows\Sun\Java\lib\ext http.proxyHost: sun.boot.class.path: C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\lib\resources.jar;C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\lib\rt.jar;C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\lib\sunrsasign.jar;C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\lib\jsse.jar;C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\lib\jce.jar;C:\Program Files\Java\jre7

HTML2POP3 2.50b - 24 Ottobre 2014 - 14:49

pop3 di libero non va
Ciao Matteo, prima di tutto grazie mille per l'enorme sforzo che stai compiendo per tenere aggiornato questo meraviglioso software. Mi permetto di disturbarti per un problema su che da qualche tempo non funziona piu' ho aggiornato java, ho reinstallato l'ultima versione del tuo software ma non ne esco.. questo il log che mi trovo: 24/10/2014 14:43:10 [3777816] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 24/10/2014 14:43:32 [1986208] POP3 server: USER 24/10/2014 14:43:32 [1986208] POP3 server: PASS ******** CRC32:425246889 24/10/2014 14:43:32 [1986208] POP3 server: usato 24/10/2014 14:43:32 [2001280] Libero: primo login per prendere i cookie 24/10/2014 14:43:32 [4296872] java.lang.NullPointerException 24/10/2014 14:43:32 [4333824] at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method) 24/10/2014 14:43:32 [4333824] at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Source) 24/10/2014 14:43:32 [4333824] at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Source) 24/10/2014 14:43:32 [4333824] at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Unknown Source) 24/10/2014 14:43:32 [4333824] at$ Source) 24/10/2014 14:43:32 [4333824] at$ Source) 24/10/2014 14:43:32 [4333824] at Method) 24/10/2014 14:43:32 [4370888] at Source) 24/10/2014 14:43:32 [4370888] at Source) 24/10/2014 14:43:32 [4370888] at Source) 24/10/2014 14:43:32 [4370888] at org.html2pop3.plugin.pluginbase.getPage(Unknown Source) 24/10/2014 14:43:32 [4370888] at org.html2pop3.plugin.pluginbase.getPage(Unknown Source) 24/10/2014 14:43:32 [4370888] at org.html2pop3.plugin.pluginbase.getPage(Unknown Source) 24/10/2014 14:43:32 [4370888] at org.html2pop3.plugin.pop3.pluginlibero.subLogin(Unknown Source) 24/10/2014 14:43:32 [4370888] at org.html2pop3.plugin.pop3.pluginlibero.login(Unknown Source) 24/10/2014 14:43:32 [4407816] at pop3Server$pop3Thread.manage(Unknown Source) 24/10/2014 14:43:32 [4407816] at pop3Server$ Source) 24/10/2014 14:43:32 [4407816] Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException 24/10/2014 14:43:32 [4407816] at Source) 24/10/2014 14:43:32 [4407816] at Source) 24/10/2014 14:43:32 [4407816] at Source) 24/10/2014 14:43:32 [4407816] at Source) 24/10/2014 14:43:32 [4444744] at Source) 24/10/2014 14:43:32 [4475112] at Source) 24/10/2014 14:43:32 [4475112] at Source) 24/10/2014 14:43:32 [4475112] at Source) 24/10/2014 14:43:32 [4475112] at Source) 24/10/2014 14:43:32 [4475112] at Source) 24/10/2014 14:43:32 [4475112] at Source) 24/10/2014 14:43:32 [4475112] at org.html2pop3.plugin.pluginbase.processField(Unknown Source) 24/10/2014 14:43:32 [4512120] ... 7 more 24/10/2014 14:43:32 [4512120] Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException 24/10/2014 14:43:32 [4512120] at
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